
Keep your cat safe indoors and out with hidden fencing!
Most cat owners are well aware of the dangers that potentially face their pet in the great outdoors, from traffic to predatory animals. But when your cat is purring to be let out to explore the world around him, it’s not easy to resist opening the door to let him roam! The right answer might be an outdoor containment system. There are many to choose from, but the most effective answer for you may be underground fencing. Many cat owners are surprised to learn that the same electronic receivers dogs wear to keep them within a hidden fence can also be used just as effectively on cats!
Every yard—and cat—is unique
When we are installing an underground fence for a household with a cat, we take different factors into consideration than when we’re installing a fence for dogs only. It’s no secret that cats are talented jumpers and climbers, and if your property line has trees or structures along it that your cat can easily scale, we carefully weigh that as a factor in where we place the boundary. After all, with our years of experience installing underground fencing, we bring to every consultation and installation insight into the possible ways your cat could potentially escape to the much wider hunting ground beyond his yard!
Training your cat to stay within the boundaries can be surprisingly easy; we offer transmitters that sound an alarm on the collar when the cat approaches the boundary, giving him a quick reminder to back away. Other cats benefit from a transmitter that gives a small sensation when the perimeter is breached. Cats learn their boundaries relatively quickly and are usually content to stay within the fenced area while still enjoying everything their outside world has to offer.
Curbing indoor wanderers
Is your cat equally as comfortable lounging in the house as he is exploring the outdoors? We also offer solutions that will keep him out of areas or even whole rooms where he can get into trouble or cause damage. The RoomWizard Indoor System™ is compatible with our outdoor transmitters, gently training your cat to avoid off-limits places within the house.
Invisible fencing for cats brings peace of mind to the owner and ample space to explore to the cat. Give us a call today for a consultation! 616-974-9470